ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​Volume 2, No. 12, December 2017 

Research Articles

Characterization of new natural Cellulosic Fiber from Urera hypselodendron Plant for Technical Textile Application
Aklilu Azanaw, Adane Haile, Rotich K. Gideon, G. Nalankilli

Pages 377-382.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
Reactive Dyeing of Cotton using Chitosan Extracted from Fish Scales
Esubalew Kasaw, Gashaw Azene, Adane Haile, Rotich K. Gideon, G. Nalankilli

Pages 383-390​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Evaluation of Bacillus circulans in Imparting Aerobic Stability to Silage

A. N. Aamod, L. Sharad, P. Shilpa, K. Aarohi
Pages 391-296​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Immobilization of Cellulase on Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles for Efficient Bioethanol Production by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation
Elsa Cherian, M. Dharmedira Kumar, G. Baskar, R. Kalpana
Pages 397-403​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
