ISSN 2456-0235
Authors are instructed to prepare their entire manuscript as a single file using Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman font style, 12 font size and double line spaced with margins of at least one inch on all sides. All the headings and sub-headings should be in bold letters with sub-heading in italics. Do not include numbers for headings and sub-headings. Pages should be numbered consecutively. The content of the manuscript should be arranged in the following order; Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results & Discussion, and Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest and References. Separate cover letter mentioning originality of the research work reported in the manuscript and the manuscript submitted to IJMST is not submitted elsewhere or nor under consideration for publication in any other journal.
Online Manuscript Submission
Online submission of manuscript is encouraged. Manuscript can be submitted online through However, manuscripts can be submitted through email ( in case of any problem in online submission system. Authors should submit their signed "Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement" along with their manuscript.
Review Process
All the manuscripts submitted to IJMST will be peer reviewed by minimum two independent reviewers. The opinion of the reviewers and their comments along with editorial decision (Accepted/Accepted after minor revision/Accepted after major revision/Rejected) will be sent to corresponding author for further revision and re-submission of manuscript.
Original Research papers
Full length research paper should have separate Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion and Conclusion sections with maximum of 8 either figures/tables.
Short Communications
Preliminary research findings of any research work/investigations can be submitted in the form of short communications with maximum of 4 either figures/tables.
Review Articles
The extensive review articles from current thrust research areas are published as review article. Review articles should be minimum 8 printed pages with minimum 50 references and 2 either figures/tables.
Title and Authors details
Title of the manuscript should reflect the scope of the manuscript in the selected area of science and technology. Title should be in bold letters and center aligned. Include authors surname followed by given name in bold letters. Authors with different affiliations should be marked with superscript number in given name (K. John¹, M.J. George²). Affiliations in un-bold letters should be given below the author names. Affiliations should start with author’s affiliation number in superscript with postal address including postal code without name and designation. Author names and affiliations needs to be centre aligned.
Abstract should be written consciously with 200-250 words. Abstract should highlight the scope, novelty in approach, key findings, and scope of the findings for current applications or further development. Provide 4 to 6 keywords at the end of the abstract. Keywords should be within the scope of the work presented in the manuscript.
Introduction should describe the summary of background work available in the literature with suitable references. Clearly indicate the aim and scope of the research work reported in the manuscript. Introduction should support the scope and aim of the manuscript. Introduction section can be divided into 3 to 4 paragraph with total 400 to 700 words.
Materials and methods
Material and methods can be described under various sub-headings. Each sub-heading should clearly describe various materials, instruments, equipments, software used with their specifications, supplier etc. Materials and methods section should include clear methodology adopted with sufficient details to repeat the experiment. Total words count can vary from 300 to 600 words.
Results and discussion
Combined results and discussion section is preferred. Results should be interpreted consciously and discussed. All tables and figures included should be mentioned and included in the main body of the text after its first instance of mention in this section.
Figures should be clear and reproducible with axis name and values in the same format of the text. Figure title should not be incorporated inside the image. The x-axis and y-axis axis should be clearly mentioned with axis name and its unit in figures. No horizontal or vertical grid lines are allowed in Excel based figures.
Conclusions should be written consciously out of the results reported in the manuscript. It should highlight the potential finding and outcomes of their research findings reported in the manuscript. It should not be simply repeated from results discussed under Results and discussion. Conclusion section should be given in one paragraph with maximum word count of 250 words.
Conflict of interest
Authors should state their conflict of interest with various stakeholders. Mention “No conflict of Interest” if there are no conflict of interest with the authors..
Authors should state their funding agencies/organization if any, provided by private or government agencies/organization for their research findings reported in the manuscript. Authors can also mention the individuals involved during this research work but not included in authors list can also be acknowledged.
References should be mentioned in the text using numbers within square bracket example [1]. All the references should be listed at the end of the manuscript under a separate heading “References” with continuous serial number as cited in the text. Unpublished sources should not be included in the reference list.
Total number of references should be minimum 10 to maximum 15 for short communications, minimum 15 to maximum 30 for research articles/mini review and minimum 50 to maximum 100 review articles.
The list of references under reference section should be in the following format (Vancouver).
[1] Hosamani R, Kaliwal BB. Anti-tumor agent production by Fusarium equiseti using solid state fermentation. International Journal of Drug Discovery. 2011;3(2):81-9.
[2] Park M, Moore KN, Zen JG. Hybrid biosensor for earlier diagnosis of brain cancer. Int J Mol Med. 2005;7:29-36.
[3] Radisson M. Biotechnology Tools and Techniques. 3rd ed. New York: G J Publications; 1992.
Book chapters:
[4] Wan LK, Zhin Q, Thomas J. Advances in Nanomedicine. In: Park M, Moore KN, editors. Nanotechnology. 2nd ed. New York: G J Publications; 2003. p. 36-54.
Conference proceedings:
[5] Moore W. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in brain: Physiology and function. In: Charles N, Chang P, Editors. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Neuroscience; 2012 Dec 12-14; USA. New York: G J Publications; 2013. p. 12-7.
[6] Chan S. Brain Wellness: Cognitive Development. UNSECO. Report number: 12, 2011.
Article Proofs
Galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author of the manuscript. Galley proof must be carefully checked and returned to the editorial manager within 3 working days of receipt of the galley proof.
Publication of accepted articles
All accepted manuscript will be published online quickly as soon as the corresponding author’s response to the proof of their manuscript. Normally it will be published within 3 days from the date of acceptance.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Authors should submit their signed "Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement" while submitting their manuscript to comply with open access policy, publications ethics and malpractice statements. Manuscripts will be sent for review process only after the receipt of signed Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement from corresponding author.
Manuscripts are considered for their publication provided they are not previously published elsewhere either in part or full or in any other form (electronic or printed) that represent a significant portion of the research work except in the form of abstract in conferences. Authors are responsible for all content of manuscript or any kind of misrepresentation of data including plagiarism.
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The International Journal of Modern Science and Technology is a non-profit organization, not supported by any private or government agencies. All the accepted articles are published freely as open access. Authors and readers can download the published articles without any cost. Authors of accepted papers are expected to cover the article processing charges upon acceptance of their manuscript. Article processing charges for accepted paper is USD 100, Rs.2,500 for paper accepted from authors of Indian institutions. However, partial waiver will be considered for the authors from developing countries upon request from author. The request should be submitted along with the manuscript at the initial submission of the manuscript. Waiver request received after acceptance of the manuscript will not be considered.
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