ISSN 2456-0235
Publication Ethics
Editors Responsibilities
Editors are the architect of our journals. Editors define the scope and policy of journal. Editors are accountable for the quality of the articles published in our journal. Editors are responsible to organize the content of our journal according to our journal’s publications style and editorial policy. Editors define the role and responsibilities of reviewers and authors.
Editors are responsible to coordinate, monitor and ensure the quality, transparent and timely peer review process. Editors invite two or more reviewers for each manuscript with relevant subject expertise to review the manuscript. However editors may sometime reject a manuscript without external peer review if manuscript is outside the scope of the journal or does not meet the quality standard, limited scientific merit or lacks originality. Editors may invite selected reviewers to join on our journal editorial board of the journal.
Editors are responsible to evaluate and consolidate reviewer’s comments on the manuscript, communicate his decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript along with reviewers comments to the authors. Also, editors will ensure that there are no any kind of conflict of interest with the authors, reviewers, editorial board members and editorial assistants.
Editors supervise the editorial assistants who prepare, rewrite and edit the manuscripts to improve readability. Editors protect the confidentiality of author’s work submitted to our journal and ensure the same from reviewers and editorial assistants. Editors are responsible to describe, and implement policies for handling ethical issues or misconducts by reviewers or authors. Editors are responsible to maintain the quality of the papers published in our journal. Correction or erratum is published if any significant errors, retractions or expression of concern is received.
Reviewers Responsibilities
Reviewers are leading scientists volunteer their time and subject expertise to help the editors to take final decision on manuscript submitted to our journals. Reviewers should notify the editor immediately if unable they are not available to review the review due the non-availability of time or difference in the subject expertise. In such situation reviewers may suggest a suitable alternate reviewer and their contact details.
Reviewers should communicate to editors if they have any potential conflict of interest with the authors of the manuscript and decline to review to such in such situation stating the reason to editor. Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of the review process. Reviewers should not contact authors or share/discuss the information presented in the manuscript under review with others.
Reviewers are expected to submit their review report in stipulated time by the editor. Reviewers are expected to comply with journal’s scope, content, and quality of the peer review and provide impartial, constructive, informative and timely review reports on the manuscript under review considering scientific accuracy and originality. Reviewers may give any one of the recommendation as Accept without changes/Major revision required/Accept with minor revision/Reject.
Reviewers should also check the ethical issues relevant to the subject content presented in the manuscript such as use of humans or animal or genetically modified organism by authors in their research and significant similarity between the manuscript under review and any published paper. Reviewers should report such issues to editors (which are not disclosed to authors as such).
Authors Responsibilities
Authors should ensure that their manuscript is organized well both technically and grammatically and prepared as per our journal’s guidelines for authors. This will help the editors and reviewers to process your manuscript in lesser time. Editors may reject the manuscript failing to meet technical, and format requirements of our journal. Authors should ensure that the manuscript submitted to our journal is not submitted elsewhere or nor under consideration for publication in any other journal.
Online submission of manuscript is encouraged. Manuscript can be submitted online through Authors should accept Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements while online submission of their manuscript. However, manuscripts can be submitted through email ( in case of any problem in online submission system.
All the authors should adhere to the ethical standards for researchers and scientific writing as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics . Authors should submit their signed "Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement" along with their manuscript if submitted through email. It is understood that all the authors aware of this submission to this journal and our journal’s Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
Authors should submit their revised manuscript as per reviewers’ comments within the specified time line for second review (if required) along with detailed response or rebuttal to reviewers comments in a separate file.
The corresponding author is responsible for the originality of the manuscript and its data content. Journal will take action as per the if data or any other content of the manuscript is found maniplated/fabricated or falsified. Coauthors should have significant technical contribution in the manuscript submitted. Coauthors should have significant technical contribution in the manuscript submitted. Support rendered from persons for preparation of manuscript, English corrections, and any particular analysis may be mentioned in acknowledgment.
All references cited should be appropriate and significant to the scholarly content of the manuscript. Authors should disclose any personnel, financial conflicts of interest in the manuscript. Authors should be ready to supply supporting data to the editor if required by the editor.
Authors should mention their sources of funding for research as acknowledgment in in their manuscript. Author should state regulations concerning the use of human, animals or genetically modified organisms (if used) in research is adhered as per the international norms and acceptable by respective regulatory agencies. Authors should have obtained permission from the copyright owner to use/reproduce copyrighted materials used in their submitted. Galley proof of the accepted manuscripts will be send to the authors for final correction and approval. Authors should respond their galley proof within 24 to 48 hours for minor corrections if any or no corrections. If no reply received after the stipulated time, we will assume the paper is suitable for publication in its present form.