ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


Volume 2, No. 1, January 2017. 

Research Articles

​Pt–Ru–M/MWCNTs (M = Ni, Mo and Rh) Nano-catalysts for membraneless fuel cells: Effect of the pretreatment on the structural characteristics and perborate electro-oxidation

K. Vijayaramalingam, S. Kiruthika, B. Muthukumaran

Pages 1-7​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Influence of Access to Professional Development on Organizational Performance of Public Universities in Kisumu County, Kenya
Charity Osuwo, Maria Anyango, N. B. Okelo
Pages 8-12​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Investigations on Transport and Magnetic Properties of Pb (0.1) Doped LaMnO3 Single Crystals
M. Ramesh Babu, P. Kokila, R. Jayavel
Pages 13-19.
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preparation of an anti-corrosive coating from waste pet bottles to inhibit the corrosive effects of water

K. Sathish Kumar, Vignesh Balasubramanian, Pranav Sivadas Menon, K. R. Rohit Narayanan

Pages 20-26​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)


Thermodynamic analysis of stirling cooler applied to emission capture process

G. Naveen Kumar, R. Subbarao

Pages 27-30​​.

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Simulation of 48 Pulse GTO Based STATCOM, SSSC & UPFC Controller

C. Dinakaran

Pages 31-40​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
