International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017, Pages 13-19.
Investigations on Transport and Magnetic Properties of Pb (0.1) Doped LaMnO3 Single Crystals
M. Ramesh Babu1,2, P. Kokila1, R. Jayavel2
1Department of Physics, Arulmigu Palaniandavar College of Arts and Culture, Palani. Tamil Nadu, India.
2Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai – 600025. Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Single crystals of La0.9Pb0.1MnO3 (LPMO) were grown from the flux solution of PbF2 and PbO. The X ray back reflection Laue pattern and powder diffraction were carried out to determine quality and structure of the grown LPMO single crystals. Surface morphology and the chemical composition of the grown crystals were studied using SEM and EDX. Resistivity measurement was performed in a magnetic field of 0T and 6T and its magneto-resistance value was determined. Hysteresis was measured using magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to ‘ab’ plane at 10K. DC magnetization was carried out between the temperature ranges 10 K-300 K. The magnetic field dependence of ZFC and FC condition magnetization were measured with the field at 20 Oe and 500 Oe.
Keywords: Olossal magnetoresistance; Single crystals; Surface morphology; Cluster glass.
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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology