International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017, Pages 31-40.
Simulation of 48 Pulse GTO Based STATCOM, SSSC & UPFC Controller
C. Dinakaran
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Chittoor, A.P, India
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This paper examines effective operation of both static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and unity power factor controller (UPFC) based on a new full model consisting of 48 - pulse gate turn off thyristor voltage source converter for connected reactive power compensation and voltage stabilization of the electrical grid network. Three controllers of STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC are presented in this paper based on a decoupled with voltage and current control strategy. The performance of STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC is verified by simulation using MATLAB environment. The performance of STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC schemes connected to the 500 - KV grid are evaluated. The proposed to ensure the stable operation of the STATCOM under various load conditions. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) has its unique capability to control simultaneously real and reactive power flows on a transmission line as well as to regulate voltage at the bus where it is connected, this device creates a tremendous quality impact on power system stability. In this paper a proposed control method, GTO based controller has been developed by using SSSC of MATLAB this will applied to STATCOM part of the detailed model of UPFC. The MATLAB simulation results shows that GTO controller has an effective power flow control, less settling time and less overshoot when compared to PI controller in different operating modes.
Keywords: Gate Turn-Off dynamic performance; Static synchronous series compensator; Static synchronous compensator; Unified Power flow controller; Voltage stabilization; 48 - pulse converter; Power System.
ISSN 2456-0235