ISSN 2456-0235

​​Volume 3, No. 10, October 2018 

Research Articles

​Certain Aspects of Normal Classes of Hilbert Space Operators
N. B. Okelo
Pages 203-207.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Diabetes Induction with Streptozotocin and Insulin Action on Blood Glucose Levels in Albino Rats
J. A. Jato, I. Bawa, F. N. Onyezili
Pages 208-212​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Acacia auriculiformis flower extract

N. Prabhu, T. Gajendran, V. Shiney, S. Keerthana, J. Naveena Bhashini

Pages 213-219​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology