ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 8-12, 2022, Pages 30-36. 

Drynaria quercifolia: A review on phytochemical and pharmacological profile

N.V. Kanimozhi, S. Mugesh Kanna, M. Sukumar*
​Centre for Food Technology, A.C.Tech, Anna University, Chennai 600025, Tamilnadu. India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Drynaria quercifolia is a medicinal fern belongs to the family polypodiaceae. The rhizome powder and extracts are being used to treat Tuberculosis, rheumatoid fever, dyspepsia, cough and in healing bone ailments. This review on Drynaria quercifolia attempts to put together the available literature with respect to its pharmacognostic characters, traditional uses, chemical constituents and summary of its various pharmacological activities and clinical effects.

​​Keywords:Drynaria quercifolia; Phytochemicals; Bioactive components; Anti-oxidant activity; Anti-diabetic property.


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