International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 5-7, 2022, Pages 24-29. 

A Study on Effectiveness of B to B Marketing in a Modern World

R. Latha, S. Jancy Sickory Daisy, R. Rasika*
​Department of Computer Science & Engineering, PRIST University, Tanjore, India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Head protector examination is utilized to recognize the utilization of caps. Street traffic wounds are a significant general medical issue and a main source of death and injury around the globe. In the proposed frameworks, edge location calculation is utilized to distinguish the edges of the bikes and moment object division calculation is utilized to isolate the objects of the equivalent. Protective caps are prepared utilizing the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) calculation. Lastly Single Shot Detection (SSD) calculation is utilized to recognize the head protectors and motorbike. Relu work is utilized to figure the exactness. The general proficiency got is 95.4%. This work is basic, powerful and cost-proficient that can spare numerous lives and decrease the stunning weight of street car accidents occurring in everyday life.

​​Keywords: Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural Networks; Single Shot Detection; Optical character recognition.


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ISSN 2456-0235