ISSN 2456-0235
January-February 2022, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, pp. 1-5.
Design, construction and evaluation of solar dryer
O. S. Ogundana¹, Y. M. Juneid², O. P. Olaifa², T. W. Owa³
¹Department of Agricultural Technology, Farm Mechanization Unit, Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, P. M. B. 1500, New Bussa, Nigeria.
²Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria.
³Ondo State Fadama Coordination Office, Alagbaka, P.M.B 755 Akure, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
This research work aims at designing a solar dryer to reduce agricultural produce waste and improve their storage conditions. The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and dry any agricultural substance loaded which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural produce and also helps in preservation, shelf-life extension of agricultural produce. Due to limitations of the traditional sun drying such as exposure to direct sunlight, pests and rodents attack, improper monitoring and high cost of imported mechanical dryers. A solar dryer was therefore developed to proffer solution for these limitations. The design was based on the geographical location which is Kainji and meteorological data were obtained for proper design specification. The dimensions of the dryer was 40 x 40 x 50 cm. Locally available materials were used for the construction, chiefly comprising of wood (Gmelina), polyurethane glass, aluminium metal sheet and metallic net for trays. The optimum temperature of the dryer was 74.5⁰C with a corresponding ambient temperature of 30.5⁰C. The mass of water removal of 199.9g in vegetable using the solar dryer was achieved. The rapid rate of drying in the dryer reveals, its can dry food items reasonably rapidly to safe moisture level.
Keywords: Design; Radiation; Vegetables; Solar panel; Temperature; Blower.