ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​August 2021, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 141-146. 

​​Proficient performance and data collection improvement in wireless sensors network over MAC protocol

E. Aishwarya
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. Tamilnadu, India.

​​*Corresponding author’s


The infrastructure of wireless sensor networks (WSN) is structured in an ad-hoc manner and arranged nodes reporting the events to the bottom Station (BS). A WSN is integrated with smart technologies to develop fast Internet of Things (IoT) communications among different applications. Recently, many researchers proposed their solutions to optimize IoT data transmissions in an energy efficient manner with cost effective support. The proposed framework is composed of two sub-components. The proposed protocol effects in higher dispensed sensors and a properly-balanced clustering gadget improving the community’s lifetime. The Modified Energy Aware Routing (MEAR) method carries two protocols, which include MCP based totally Efficient MAC primarily based EAR. In segment, Transmission range adjusting by the initializing the utmost Capacity Path based multi hop routing by using imposing Energy Aware Routing. For the EAR implementation, want to calculate the nodes Initial Energy, Residual Energy and Optimum power path. The simulation results demonstrate notable improvement in comparison to existing solutions in terms of various network metrics.

Keywords: Wireless sensor network; Internet of things; Modified energy aware routing; Efficient medium access control.


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