International Journal of Modern Science and Technology
July 2021, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 119-124.
IoT based virtual health care system by using smart sensors
C. Muniraj, N. Praveen*, L. Gobinath, R. Manoj, V. Gunasekaran
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding author’s
Nowadays, the effect and spreading level of COVID 19 increases enormously. In this situation, patients who are all in the need of monitoring are having threats to go to the hospital and similarly doctors and nurses are also in treating to visit the patients at their home. In order to replace the physical patient check-up method, we are introducing Virtual Health care system in this paper. In this project four sensors have been used. They are Heart beat sensor, Pressure sensor, Temperature sensor and Glucose sensor. All of these sensors are interconnected with RaspberryPi and IoT technology. A doctor can monitor the patient’s health without physically interact. Also, it eliminates the number of the patient's presence in the hospital, avoids the corona virus spreading and provides the time for better treatment.
Keywords: Internet of Things; RaspberryPi; Heart beat sensor; Blood pressure; Glucose sensor; Better treatment; COVID19.
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