ISSN 2456-0235
July 2021, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 114-118.
Automatic Eatery Table Cleaning Bot
M. Abithhussain, S. Harrishkumar, S. Shanmuga Priya, P. Thirugnanam*, L. Manivannan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding author’s
Now a day, the field of automation plays an important role not only in industries but also in most of the places especially restaurants, canteens, mess etc. In the above said places, the normal human beings are subject to clean the eating table in order to maintain the sanitation level. This leads the people to have the disgusting feel and as well the time consumption if they are aged whenever cleaning the eatery table. In order to avoid these shortcomings, the proposed system implements a simplest and mobility bot in order to clean the eatery table especially the dry materials automatically without any human interventions. The proposed system consists of Arduino UNO controller, batteries, Ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, pump motor, wiper and vacuum cleaner setup. Whenever the bot is placed on the eatery table, IR sensor detects the dust particles and hence the vacuum cleaner sucks those particles. Then, pumping motor will pour the water in order to clean sticky contents on the table through the wiper setup. The entire hardware components are controlled by Arduino UNO controller. In this, ultrasonic sensor will come into the picture whenever the bot deviates from the table surface. The above said operation is repeated until the entire table gets cleaned. This system would certainly be helpful in making the eatery table so clean and provide facilitation for the people who clean the table with disgusting feel.
Keywords: Ardino UNO; Ultrasonic sensor; Wiper Setup; Vacuum cleaner.