ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​July 2021, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 105-108. 

​​Digital Authentication for Indian e-Voting

P. Naveen Kumar, S. Aafreen, V. Abilash, C. K. Madhumithaa, S. Yogapriya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.

​​*Corresponding author’s


Voting is one of the important tasks in electing the government of any democratic country. The biometric identification system is secure, reliable and confidential for the purpose of an electronic voting machine. This paper provides the construction of a fingerprint and -based voting machine. The development plan confirms whether the voter has identified and also checks whether the voter is right or not during the election process. This function is intended to replace the validation system used with a biometric authentication system. The development plan also takes into account whether the voter has voted once or more. This program does not require any third-party service for its operation. It is a low-cost, flexible and easy-to-use system. Various components of the advanced system have been tested under operating conditions.

Keywords: Fingerprint; Voting system; Biometric; Authentication; Verification.


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