ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​May-June 2021, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, pp. 83-88. 

​​Detection of malarial plasmodium species in microscopic blood cell images and comparison using classifiers

T. Mohanapriya, R. Susithra, B. Shanmugavani*
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India.

​​*Corresponding author’s


The malarial disease stays a central load on typically thriving, with around 229 million cases worldwide and in excess of 400,000 used continually. Other than biomedical assessment and political endeavors, current data improvement is expecting a basic part in different undertakings to battle corruption. One of the shorts joins a convincing mortality decay that has been missing in regards to wild fever requests unequivocally. To improve responsiveness, picture assessment programming and AI approaches have been utilized to see the Plasmodium species in minute blood slides. This article gives a strategy of these techniques and looks at the energy supports in picture evaluation and AI for minute wild fever closes. We set up the various systems dispersed in the relationship as exhibited by the improvements utilized for imaging, picture preprocessing, parasite seeing the verification, and cell division, join check, and changed cell depiction. By at that point, utilizing the microcontroller result is restored in IoT and sends SMS utilizing GSM for the individual of the patient.

Keywords: Support Vector Machine; Random forest; K-Nearest Neighbour; Color space transformation; Multi-class segmentation; Feature extraction.


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