ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​October-November 2021, Vol. 6, No. 10-11, pp. 166-170. 

​​IoT Based Home Automation using Bluetooth and Wifi Module

P. S. Vinishya*, J. Azhagarasan, S. Suruthi
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Arasu Engineering College, Chennai Main road, Kumbakonam, India.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


This paper presents a design of new home automation system that uses Wifi and Bluetooth as a network Infrastructure connecting its parts. IoT (Internet of Things) is an umbrella term used for all technologies that enable the connection of a device to the internet .The data is then used for monitoring, controlling, transferring information to other devices via internet. Using home automation system we can measure temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity. In this paper a low cost and user friendly remote controlled home automation system is presented using ARDUINO board, Bluetooth module, wifi, Smartphone. This paper is also describing the Hardware and Software architecture of System, future work.

Keywords: ARDUINO; Automation system, Wifi; Internet of Things.


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