June 2020, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 196-203.
Effect of ‘Mg’ doping concentration on ZnO thin films by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Method
K. Radhi Devi¹, G. Selvan², M. Karunakaran³*, K. Kasirajan³, S. Maheswari⁴
¹Department of Physics, Sethupathy Govt. Arts College, Ramanathapuram - 623 502, India.
²Department of Physics, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur - 621 220, India.
³Department of Physics, Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi – 630 003, India.
⁴Department of Physics, Caussanel College of Arts and Science, Muthupettai – 623 523, India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: tvdkaruna@gmail.com
Mg doped zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films have been successfully coated onto glass substrates at various Mg doping level such as 0, 5, 10, and 15% (w/w) by Low cost Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) coating technique. The film thickness was estimated using weight gain method and it revealed that the film thickness increased with Mg doping concentration values. The prepared film structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer respectively. The structure of the films were found to be hexagonal structure with polycrystalline in nature with preferential orientation along (002) plane. X-ray line profile analysis was used to evaluate the micro structural parameters such as crystallite size, micro strain, dislocation density and stacking fault probability. The crystallite size values are decreased with increase of Mg doping concentration values and maximum value of crystallite size was estimated at 47 nm at doping concentration of 0%. Morphological results showed that the concentration of the Mg has a marked effect on morphology of the ZnO thin films. The optical studies revealed that the band gap can be tailored between 3.93 eV to 3.955 eV by altering doping concentration. EDX studies showed that the presence of Zinc, oxygen and magnesium content.
Keywords: Zinc oxide; Thin films; Structural studies; Morphological studies; Optical properties.
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