International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​​​​​June 2020, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 157-163. 

​​Assessment of Wind Speed in San Jose, Mindoro, Philippines

Angelo A. Beltran Jr.¹*, Napoleon A. Pempena IX², Fidel M. Sena III³, Rudy M. Siguenza⁴
¹Department of Electronics Engineering, Adamson University, Manila, Philippines.
²Engineering Property Management, Filinvest Alabang Inc., Muntinlupa, Philippines.
³Operations Department, Aboitiz Power Corporation, Navotas, Philippines.
⁴Department of Electrical Engineering, Adamson University, Manila, Philippines.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


The present research work was focused on the assessment of the wind speed in San Jose, Mindoro, Philippines to determine the primary relationship of its location on feasibility of constructing a wind power station.  The demands of electric power generation are rapidly increasing as the population increases; thus, the need to build a power station in locality is necessary to meet the demands. Normally, wind power stations are in remote areas to prevent hazard and noise pollution for residential areas and commercial establishments. Further, wind speed is stronger to non-obstacle areas, as it reaches its peak values on clear and plain fields. Moreover, it will provide additional knowledge for scientific observations and study in the area to help in the different aspects of science related to wind studies. Wind speed parameters are discussed and analysed in this paper to investigate the viability of the location. The results show that the average wind speed in San Jose, Mindoro, Philippines varies from 2.35 to 2.43 kph between the years of 2015–2018. Although, it is possible to harvest wind energy during the first quarter of the year, it is not, however, ideal to construct a wind power farm for energy consumption, as it may only produce a minimal capacity of the wind power station because 60% of the data recorded in each year is only at its minimum wind speed.

Keywords: Assessment; Renewable Energy; Wind Speed; Wind Power Station.


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ISSN 2456-0235