​​​​​​​April 2020, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 102-110. 

​​Absenteeism Factors of Grade 11th Students: a Case of Jimma Town, Ethiopia Preparatory School

Abreham Bekele Bayu, Temesgen Abeto Amibo
School of Chemical Engineering, Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma University, P.O.Box 378, Jimma, Ethiopia.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail: abrishchem@gmail.com


The present study was aimed to investigate the major factors that affect student’s attendance in grade 11th students at Jimma preparatory school and aimed to deal with the improvement of student’s absenteeism. The aims of this research are to investigate school environment-related factors, affecting student’s absenteeism from class, to identify family-related factors affecting student’s absenteeism from class and to investigate student’s related factors affecting student’s absenteeism from class. The sample of the study was taken on 60 students of grade 11 Jimma preparatory school. These study attempts were made to assess the factors that contribute to student’s absenteeism and their impact on the teaching & learning process. According to the presentation, interpretation, and analysis, the following points were concluded. The main factors for student absenteeism were multidimensional, that was, problems from the teacher, from the school administration, from parents, from students themselves and due to cause of home school distance. Due to the case of this absenteeism, at the end of the academic year or final exam, they score the lowest result. Therefore, attending class continuously is very important to their academic achievement. Working coordinately by all responsible bodies like teachers, directors, parents, and students themselves was found significance for thing class presentational. To minimize those factors it is better to take attendance in the class, motivating students while teachers teach, taking a measurement for the absentees and making them focus their education only rather rural work (parent help).

Keywords: Jimma preparatory students; Absenteeism; Investigation; Environmental factor.


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ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology