ISSN 2456-0235

​​​​​​​November 2020, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 274-277. 

​​Kinetics of oxidation of vanilin by 1-chlorobenzimidazole in acid medium

M. Rukmangathan*
Department of Chemistry, Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India - 612 501.

​​*Corresponding author’s   


The kinetics of oxidation of vanillin by 1-Chlorobenzimidazole (CBI) had been studied in aqueous acetic acid medium. The reaction was followed potentiometrically at regular time intervals. The order of the reaction with respect to [CBI] and [H+] are unity and the order in substrate was found to be zero. The rate of oxidation increases with decrease in dielectric constant of solvent medium indicating ion-dipole interaction. The rate of the reaction is not influenced by the addition of electrolyte like sodium perchlorate. Polymerization was not observed with acrylonitrile. The reactions were studied at different temperatures and the thermodynamic parameters have been calculated. Product analysis showed the formation of vanillic acid which was confirmed by physical constants and spectral analysis. CBIH+ has been postulated as the reactive oxidizing species.

Keywords: Kinetics; 1-Chlorobenzimidazole; Deamination; Decarboxylation; Vanilin.


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