November 2020, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 266-273.
The effect of extrusion variables of a locally developed single screw floating fish feed extruder
O. S. Ogundana*¹, A. P. Olalusi², J. Isah²
¹Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology New Bussa, Niger State. Nigeria.
²Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State. Nigeria.
*Corresponding author’s
The present study examined the influence of product and process parameters on the performance of a locally developed single screw floating fish feed extruder. The influence of the experiment on the extrudates responses were studied using response surface methodology. Moisture contents wet basis of (20, 30 and 40 %), die size of (4, 6 and 8 mm), and screw speed of (158.5, 245 and 334 rpm) were used. Analysis of variance showed the effect of screw speed on floatability, it increase with increase in screw speed, having a greater expansion ratio with increase speed, speed as direct effect on specific mechanical energy and extruder efficiency. Effect of die size, increase in floatability, specific mechanical energy, with a relative increase in die size. Sinking velocity is not affected by the die size while die size have great effect on expansion ratio and effect of moisture content on floatability, sinking velocity and expansion ratio to be significant. While floatability increased with increased screw speed and increased moisture content and sinking velocity decreased with increased screw speed and increased with increased moisture content. Expansion ratio increased with increased screw speed and moisture content. Specific mechanical energy increased with increased screw speed and decreased with increased moisture content. The extruder efficiency decreased with increased speed and moisture content.
Keywords: Extrudates; Extruder; Evaluation; Fish feed; Floating; Speed.
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