ISSN 2456-0235

​​​​​​​September 2019, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp 217-221. 

​​Study on Application of Native Millet Starch for Cotton Warp Yarn Sizing

Aron Mulat*, Selamu Temesgen
Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KIOT), Wollo University, Ethiopia.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Weaving efficiency is greatly affected by the warp yarns strength and other properties. To improve these warp yarn properties, sizing is done with various agents either natural or synthetic sizing materials. Most of the natural sizing agents used in the industry is made of starch. Starch is obtained from different sources with different properties. Like potato, maize, corn, millet. In this study millet sizing chemical has been studied on its performance on sized warp yarns. Ring spun cotton yarn of 34 Nm was sized using the millet sizing chemicals and its properties studied. And also the properties of the sized warp yarn like tensile strength, elongation and size removal percentage after desizing were also studied. End breakage rate on the loom was observed to check the weaving efficiency. From the results it was seen that the tensile strength, strength gain and elongation of yarns sized with millet sizing chemicals. Here the tensile strength and strength gain are in the range and the elongation is above the range but while comparing this result from the modified starch relatively good and it is cost effective while comparing from modified starch. After the data is analyzed the output result of the research is described as follows. The tensile strength, elongation and warp end breakage is 65.04%, 18.25% and 8per two hour respectively and for modified starch the tensile strength and elongation is 59.5% and 21.2% respectively and cost wise the company can save 4 million ETB per annum if it uses millet grain starch for warp sizing.

Keywords: Sizing; Fabric; Yarn; End breakage; Tensile strength; Elongation.


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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology