International Journal of Modern Science and Technology
June 2019, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp 148-151.
Estimation of Vitamin C in Selected Fruits and Vegetables Commonly Consumed in Sabratha, Northwestern Libya
Esam Abdulkader Elhefian¹,²*, Lutfi Almabrouk Sulayman¹,Asma Salem Emkebish¹, Nada Mustafa Alfalah¹
¹Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.
²Research, Consulting and training Center, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
In the present work, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content of some fruits; guava, kiwi, orange and lemon, and vegetables; green pepper, red pepper, greenhouse-growing pepper, tomato and parsley was determined by means of a titration method. It was found that ascorbic acid content of fruits was highest in guava (217.32 mg/100g) and lowest in lemon (58.12 mg/100g); and in vegetables, it was highest in green pepper (123.94 mg/100g) and lowest in green pepper grown in greenhouse (24.12 mg/100g). These observations may serve as guidance on selection of fruits and vegetables that can be consumed to meet the daily requirements of vitamin C.
Keywords: Estimation, Vitamin C, Fruits, Vegetables.
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