International Journal of Modern Science and Technology
.April 2019, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 107-110.
Traffic Light Controller using IC 555 Timer
M. Arunraj*, D. Deepa, A. Santhiya
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
The proposed design of IC555 timer is used to control the traffic light signals. In the design of timer applications used LED to indicate light signals. The traffic signals move at particular time of 20ms.The software connection is made by cadencepspice and using bread board we have did hardware connections. The alteration is achieved by tuning the value of the variable resistor. In addition, the frequency is varied at selected value ranging from Hz to MHz, just to show that 555- timer IC can provide various frequency levels. The frequency can be determined by choosing the right value of the resistor and capacitor in the circuitry system.
Keywords: IC555 timer; Light-emitting diode; Bipolar junction transistor; Flip flop; Integrated circuits.
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