International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​​​​​April 2019, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 92-96. 

​​Extraction and Characterization of Natural Cellulosic Fibers from ‘Apple of Sodom’ (Solanum linnaeanum) Plant Stems

Aklilu Azanaw, Adane Haile, G. Nalankilli*
Textile Chemistry Research and Innovation Centre, Ethiopian Institute of Fashion Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Natural lignocellulose fibers are being utilized in various areas such as apparel manufacturing, automotive building and packaging application to replace conventional manmade fiber due to their environmentally friendly nature and especial properties. The possibility of discovering natural lignocellulose fiber from non-conventional sources is being explored. Plant fiber is one of the lignocellulose fibers that are used in textile industry. However, availability of natural fiber is not enough for any textile application and competes with manmade fiber. In this research, an attempt has been made to extract fiber from the trunk of ‘Apple of Sodom’ plant by water retting method. The extracted fiber was examined for its diameter, fineness, tensile strength and elongation in the laboratory by using the ASTM method. The diameter of the fiber was found to be 14.32 microns with a fineness of 0.262Tex. The tensile strength and elongation of the fiber were found to be 20.3 g/Tex and 5.3 %. Moisture content and moisture regain of fibers were 8.09 and 8.8 % respectively. It is observed that the fibers had properties like those of most natural cellulosic fibers such as jute, sisal and suitability for textile applications as an alternative source.

Keywords: Natural fibre; Cellulose fibres; Apple of Sodom Plant; Water Retting Extraction.


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