International Journal of Modern Science and Technology

​​​​​​​March 2019, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 61-66. 

​​Quick Reference to the Matrix Forming Gums and Mucilage

U. Raghu¹, A. A. Hindustan², K. Haritha¹, J. Anji¹, G. Sudhakar¹, G. Vijayalakshmi¹
¹Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-OTPRI, Ananthapuramu-515001, AP, India.
²Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER), Ananthapuramu-515001, AP, India.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


The main aim of the present work is to explore the past work done on gums and mucilage as release retarding matrix forming material. Use of gums and mucilage as matrix forming material in drug delivery systems has been weighed down by the synthetic materials. Natural based excipients offered advantages such as non-toxic, less cost and abundant. The aqueous solubility of natural excipients plays an important role in their selection for designing sustained release formulations. This article provides an overview of natural gum and mucilage used as an excipient in dosage forms as well as in novel drug delivery systems as matrix forming materials. This article came with 65 different plant gums and mucilage successfully tried as release modifiers. From this article the researchers can save their valuable time by simply going in glance with the list of gums and mucilage successfully tried for making sustained release dosage forms.

Keywords: Gums; Mucilage; Plant; Sustained; Tablets.


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