​​​​​​​February 2019, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 37-47. 

​​Investigation of the Effect of Chemical and Physical Parameters on Preparation, Production Efficiency and Aspect Ratio of Gold Nanorods in Seed-Mediated Growth Method

M. Mohammadzadeh¹, M. Ashjari²*
¹Nanochemical Engineering Department, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.
²Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail: ashjari.m@kashanu.ac.ir


In the present paper, gold nanorods were synthesized with a modified seed-mediated growth method. This method, in terms of adjusting and controlling the aspect ratio to reach optimum optical properties and special applications reasonable, is a flexible method. Thus, in this research work, a comprehensive study has been carried out on the effect of chemical and physical parameters of the preparation method, procedures for preparation and environmental conditions on the preparation and properties of the synthesized gold nanorods. Characterization on the structural properties of synthesized gold nanorods using the UV-vis, FTIR and XRD spectrometries were performed. Investigate and measure of the UV-Visible absorption spectra, provides an explanation present for the formation and a mechanism for controlling the growth of gold nanorods. Results showed that the gold nanorods were formed only at a sufficient concentration of CTAB stabilizer, besides silver nitrate as a controller of the aspect ratio of gold nanorods were used, but the presence of high concentrations of them reduces the nanorods production efficiency. Moreover, changes in the gold salt concentration indicate that gold nanorods with high aspect ratios were formed in growth solution. Usage of the high volumes of the seed solution causes more growth in the nanorods and the effect of increasing the ageing time of seed solution was associated with increasing the production efficiency at the same conditions. Finally, the study of the environmental parameters showed that optimum temperature and pH for the synthesis of the gold nanorods are 25-30 °C and 2-3, respectively.

Keywords: Gold nanorods; Seed-mediated growth method; Surface plasmon fluctuations; Aspect ratio; Production efficiency; Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide.


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