ISSN 2456-0235

​​​​​​​October 2019, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp 269-272. 

​​Acid Neutralization Capacity of Some Commercial Brands of Antacids Available in the Libyan Market

Fathi Abuojaylah Abo-Aeshah¹, Esam Abdulkader Elhefian²,³*
¹Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Gharyan, Gharyan, Libya.
²Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.      
³Research, Consulting and Training Center, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Antacids are weak bases that have been widely prescribed by physicians for the treatment of excessive amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to relief the heart burn, which known as acid reflux. These antacids have been manufactured and marketed by different companies all over the world with wide variability in their acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), when measured. Generally, information on ANC is not included in the leaflets of the antacid products. Therefore, there is a necessity for assessing the efficacy of these antacids. This study is based on the evaluation of ANC of four different commercial brands of antacids, including three for tablet and one for liquid samples, manufactured by different companies and sold in various pharmacies in Tripoli, Libya. The ANC of the antacids was determined by the titrimetric method and found to differ considerably; it was highest with Reinne tablet (11.4 mEq/tablet) and lowest with Gaviscon tablet (6.06 mEq/tablet). The in vitro observed values of ANC of the four brands of antacid were compared with the theoretical ones. Results showed that the observed values of ANC of all types of antacid were close to the theoretical values with exception to the Reinnie brand which showed a variation. Due to the variation in neutralizing ability of antacids, it is recommended that values of ANC should be incorporated on labels of the antacid products for the benefit of both doctors and patients.

Keywords: Acid; Neutralization; Capacity; Antacid; Titration.


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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology