ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​​​​​​​​​​​August 2018, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp 173-180. 

​​​Consolidated Bioprocessing in Solid State Fermentation for the Production of Bioethanol from a Novel Mixture of Surgical Waste Cotton and Waste Cardboard

R. Navnit kumar, T. R. Sambavi, S. Renganathan*
Centre for Biotechnology, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai-600 025. India.

​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Consolidated bioprocessing to simultaneously produce cellulolytic enzymes, saccharify the biomass and ferment the released monosaccharides to ethanol is a much sought after technique in the vast area of biomass to ethanol conversion. In the present work, 100 g of a mixture of surgical waste cotton and waste card board (1:1) ratio were subjected to CBP in a solid state fermentation mode. Yeast was grown for 48 h as sheets on 4 large nutrient agar petri-dishes (10 cm diameter). The (10% w/v optimized) yeast sheets were laid on the bottom sieve of the SSF aerated tray reactor. Over the yeast sheets were spread 100 g of surgical waste cotton and waste card board mixture. 4 filter papers (15 cm diameter) inoculated and incubated with T. harzanium for 5 days were laid over the bed of the cellulosic mixture. After 12 days of incubation for CBP in a static humidity chamber at 30-32°C (optimized), around 11.25 ± 0.1 g/L ethanol with a percentage cellulose conversion of 11.04% was produced and 30 ± 0.02 g/L glucose was left unconsumed. The enzyme activities at the end of 12 days were FPases: 2.4 ± 0.09 IU/mL, CMCases: 16.8 ± 0.1 IU/mL, Xylanases: 936.15 ± 0.1 IU/mL and Beta-glucosidases: 3917.5 ± 0.09 IU/mL.

Keywords: Consolidated Bioprocessing; Cellulolytic enzymes; Solid State Fermentation; Bioethanol.


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