​​Volume 3, No. 6, June 2018 

Research Articles

​Certain Properties of Hilbert Space Operators
N. B. Okelo
Pages 126-132.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)

Applications of Soft pre-open Sets to Soft W-Hausdorff Space in Soft Topological Spaces
A.M. Khattak, Z. A. Khattak, F. Jamal, I. A. Khattak, Z. U. Khattak

Pages 133-137​​.
Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)
Ultrasonic assisted extraction of biooil from Ricinus communis seeds: Optimization using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network

G. Baskar, N. Mohanapriya, S. Roselin Nivetha, R. Saravanathamizhan
Pages 138-144​​.

Abstract   Full Paper (PDF)


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


ISSN 2456-0235