ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​​​​​​​​​​​May 2018, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp 104-111. 

​​​Synthesis and Characterization of Cerium Oxide Nanobiocomposite of Asparaginase for Curbing Lung Cancer

G. Baskar*, K. Lalitha
Department of Biotechnology, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai – 600 119. India.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Cerium oxide nanoparticles have numerous applications owing to their catalytic and auto-regenerative property. They can shift between ce3+ and ce4+ oxidation states making it a good free radical scavenger and a suitable candidate for biological applications. They are also known for their ability to inhibit SOD and CAT activity. Cerium oxide nanobiocomposite of L-asparaginase labeled with FITC were synthesized using simple co-precipitation method and was found to have size of 2.77 nm. Maximum absorption was shown in the UV spectrum between 400-500nm. The cubic shape of the cerium oxide nanobiocomposite was found using SEM. Anticancer activity was checked by performing MTT assay. The cell viability was found to be 52.62% for IC50 concentration of 125 (µg/ml) on A549 lung cancer cell line.

Keywords: Cerium oxide; Nanobiocomposite; Asparaginase; Anticancer activity.


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