ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology

​​​​​​​​​​​​March 2018, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 47-52. 

​​Development of Non-woven Composite Materials made from Reclaimed Cotton/Polyester and Polypropylene Fiber

S. Sakthivel, Eyasu Ferede, Aron Mulat, Selamu Temesgen
Department of Textile Engineering, Kombolcha Institute of Technology, Wollo University, Kombolcha, Ethiopia-208.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


Reclaimed fibers are generally used in dissimilar applications and one of the most important applications is to develop and advance technology for new automobile products. Reclaimed fiber non-woven composites, currently, are in greater demands in industries because of their advantages such as low cost, biodegradability, acceptable mechanical & physical properties and so on. Reclaimed fiber has been identified as a recyclable source for industrial wastes.  Renewable and eco-friendly nonwoven composites have been developed using reclaimed cotton, polyester and polypropylene fibers.  The present research was focused to investigate on optimizing the manufacturing techniques and testing of both air-laid non-woven, and melt-blended reclaimed composite materials. To form the composites, two methods of bonding were used such as air-laid non-woven and melt-blend technology. Each series of experimentation was to be combined with specific amount of copolymer chemical agent, the recycled post-industrial polypropylene powder, and reclaimed fiber. The reclaimed fiber non-woven composites are characterized for their physical properties such as dimensional stability performance and the mechanical properties, like internal bond, static bonding and tensile stress can be tested in accordance with ASTM standard. The results revealed that physical properties can be determined for both conditions like 24 hrs soak and 2 hrs boil. The physical properties like thickness, water absorption and linear expansion can be analyzing separately the air laid materials have more properties than the melt extrusion. The air- laid and melt- bond has deviation likewise coupling agent can change the properties.

Keywords: Reclaimed fiber; Composites; coupling agent; Melt-blend; Air-laid non-woven composites.


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