International Journal of Modern Science and Technology
February 2018, Vol. 3, No 2, pp 41-46.
Incidence and Evaluation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Nasal Cavity of Students of Allied Healthcare
B. Bharathi¹,*, V. Vinodhini²
¹MMM College of Health Sciences, Mogappair, Chennai - 600037. India.
²Department of Microbiology, Madras Medical Mission, Mogappair, Chennai - 600037. India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
The present investigation deals with the incidence and evaluation of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal colonization and carriage among the students of allied health care. In this study, a total of 104 allied health care students were selected and nasal swabs were taken and was inoculated into appropriate media and the organisms were isolated and identified by cultural characteristics, microscopic examination and biochemical characteristics. The isolated S. aureus was subjected to act on five antibiotics namely methicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, pencillin and tetracycline by using Kirby-Bauer method. Among 104 students, 20 (19%) students showed positive result for S. aureus. Among them, S. aureus 9 (45%) showed positive for MRSA, 5 (25%) showed positive for methicillin intermediate S. aureus (MISA), and 6 (30%) showed positive for methicillin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA). Among gender, 16.67% MRSA and 40% MISA found in male; In female 83.34% MRSA, 60% MISA and 100% MSSA were seen. Among professional aspects, students of Cardio Pulmonary Perfusion Care Technology showed 33.34% MRSA and 20% MISA; students of Cardiac Technology were showed 16.67% MRSA , 20% MISA and 33.34% MSSA; students of Operation Theatre & Anesthesia Technology were showed 20% MISA and 11.12% MSSA; students of Dialysis Technology showed 33.34% MRSA and 20% MISA; students of Medical Sociology were showed 16.67% MRSA and 33.34% MSSA and the students from Physician Assistant were showed 20% MISA and 22.23% MSSA. There was no significant difference between the potential factors (gender and profession) and nasal carriage of MRSA, MISA and MSSA (P>0.05).
Keywords: Chicken feather fibre; Polypropylene; Box-Behnken method; Compression moulded composite; Tensile strength.
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