International Journal of Modern Science and Technology
December 2018, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 253-257.
Acute Toxicity and Effects of Methanolic Leaves Extract of Jatropha tanjorensis on Gonadal Hormones of Male Albino Rats
J. Akighir¹,²,*, B. Inalegwu¹, F. N. Onyezili¹
¹Department of Biochemistry, University of Agriculture, Makurdi PMB 2373 (970001), Nigeria.
²Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Hospitals Management Board, Makurdi, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Pituitary gonadal hormones are responsible for the control of fertility. Understanding the regulation of these hormones is vital in solving infertility problems. The levels at which humans consume these medicinal plants without regards for their possible adverse effects has not been fully explored. This study was conducted to determine the acute toxicity and effects of methanolic leaves extract of Jatropha tanjorensis on the gonadal hormones of male albino rats. From the study, the LD50 of methanolic leaves extract in male albino rats was determined to be >6500 mg/kg body weight with no mortality recorded at this dose. The 650 mg/kg body weight of methanolic leaves extract was found to have a significantly (p<0.05) greater reducing effect on the gonadal hormones than sustanon and Amlodipine controls. No significant changes in the body weights or testis were observed. Conversely, the testosterone levels decreased significantly (p˂0.05); similarly, a decrease was observed in FSH and LH (p˂0.05) in treated rats. Epididymal sperm count and motility reduced significantly as compared to sustanon control. These findings reveal that the methanolic leaves extract of Jatropha tanjorensis are nontoxic class of substances at 650 mg/kg and is an antifertility agent.
Keywords: Jatropha tanjorensis; Medicinal plants; Acute toxicity; Gonadal hormones.
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