ISSN 2456-0235

​​​​​​​January 2018, Vol. 3, No 1, pp 1-5. 

​​Development of an Android App for finding the Nearest Auto Services in Tumkur City, India: Wepathit.Com

B. G. Premasudha*, D. R. Nagarohith
Department of Master of Computer Applications, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, India.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:


The transportation is becoming insecure now days because there were no mobile services. By using mobile value added services we can enable customers and Auto drivers’ interaction through an android app that identifies the customer’s current location with the help of a GPS enabled phones to hire an auto by the customers. This system will enable the customer’s to track the correct path by using Google maps for their particular destination. The communication between the customers and the drivers will be done by Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). This application’s goal is to help the people who are new to the city and old age people who cannot walk up to main roads to catch an auto to reach some destination. This will also give services to the people during emergency, where they could not find any means of transportation or when it is in need. The customers and auto drivers are identified by their GCM register id. Through smart phones all the details which are required to transactions are exchanged and that is through server. Mobile verifications, tracing of auto and customer and allocating job to particular auto driver is maintained at server and all details are stored in database for further transactions. Once the user requests for the service the current location and destination address is picked up. The drivers nearest to the current location are intimated through a Google cloud message sent by the server application. The driver who responds the job is allocated. The driver details are then sent to the customer and the customer details are sent to the driver.

Keywords: Android; Google Cloud Messaging; Location Based Services; Google Positioning System; Mobile value added services.


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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology