ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​​​International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 6, 2017, Pages 228-233.


Effect of Cost on Cross-Border Secondary Education from Kenya to Uganda  

V. O. Makanda*, J. N. Kindiki, J. O. Jowi
Department of Education, Moi University, Kenya.
​​*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Cross Border secondary education has become significant in Busia Border especially from the Kenyan side to the Ugandan side. The purpose of the study was to determine the socio-economic determinants of cross-border secondary education from Kenya to Uganda at the Busia Border. The study therefore sought to establish the effect of cost of education on cross-border secondary education. The study employed Ravenstein theory of migration descriptive research design. A combination of simple random, stratified and purposive sampling was used to select respondents of the study. The respondents included 151 students, 147 guardians, 5 administrators and 2 District Education officers (DEOs) from both Kenyan and Ugandan. Questionnaires, interview schedule and document checklist were the data collection instruments. Reliability of instruments was tested by Cronbach Coefficient Alpha and its figure stood at r=0.713 while to test validity, the instruments were examined by two research experts at Moi University. Data was analyzed using descriptive, Pearson correlation and regression analyses and presented in tables, charts and graphs. The findings of the study were: Cost (β=.383, t=5.858, p<0.000), showing that it had a significant influence on cross-border secondary education. The study therefore recommends: The Kenyan Government should make its secondary more affordable. 

​​Keywords: Cost; Cross-Border; Effects; Kenya; Uganda.


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