​​​​​​​International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2017, Pages 158-167. 

Grey Scale Histogram Based Image Segmentation Using Firefly Algorithm

V. Sadhasivam, T. Kalaimani, T. Raja
PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College, Rasipuram - 637 401. India. 

*Corresponding author’s e-mail: kalaimaths4@gmail.com

The present work considered a class of boundary value problems associated with even order impulsive neutral partial functional differential equations with continuous distributed deviating arguments and damping term. Necessary and Sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillation of solutions using impulsive differential inequalities and integral averaging scheme with Robin boundary condition. Examples are specified to illustrate the important results. .

​​Keywords: Neutral partial differential equations; Oscillation; Impulse; Distributed deviating arguments.


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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology

ISSN 2456-0235