ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


ISSN 2456-0235

​​​​​​​​International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2017, Pages 105-116. 

Graphene Supported Pt–Ru–Sn Electrocatalyst for Borohydride Oxidation in Membraneless Borohydride Fuel Cell

M. Elumalai¹, M. Priya¹, S. Kiruthika², B. Muthukumaran¹,*
¹Department of Chemistry, Presidency College, Chennai – 600 005, India.

²Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai – 603 203, India.
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Graphene supported Pt–Ru–Sn trimetallic electrocatalysts are prepared by a modified sodium borohydride reduction method in aqueous solution at room temperature, and used as the anode electrocatalysts for membraneless borohydride fuel cell. The physical and electrochemical properties of the as-prepared electrocatalysts are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA) and fuel cell test. XRD results show that the diffraction peaks in Pt–Ru–Sn/G catalysts shift slightly to lower 2θ values compared with that of Pt/G catalyst, suggesting the formation of Pt–Ru–Sn alloying. TEM results show that the morphologies of Pt–Ru–Sn trimetallic catalysts are uniformly spherical with the particle size of about 3.5 nm on the graphene surface. Besides, it has been found that the Pt–Ru–Sn catalysts have much higher catalytic activity for the oxidation of sodium borohydride than Pt/G catalyst, especially the Pt–Ru–Sn/G (60:30:10) catalyst presents the highest catalytic activity among all as-prepared catalysts. The membraneless borohydride fuel cell with Pt–Ru–Sn/G (60:30:10) anode catalyst and Pt/G cathode catalyst obtains the maximum power density as high as 39.61 mW cm─2 at room temperature. 

​​Keywords: Graphene; Electrocatalysts; Platinum; Ruthenium; Tin; Membraneless Borohydride Fuel Cell.


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