ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​​International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(9), 2016, Pages 296-299. 

Safety Neutrality - Towards Improving Safety Landscape 

N. Venkataraman
Principal Consultant, Fides Global Pte Ltd., One Raffles Place, #41-01, Singapore.

Neutrality is a term used in many places including internet, information technology, and carbon or greenhouse gas emissions. In occupational safety and health, Safety neutrality consists of commitment, counting, action and offsetting. Safety neutrality is best achieved when risk is at lowest, and other parameters are high such as commitment, communication, safety culture, counting and analyze, action and system are at the highest. It should be noted that lowest and highest are qualitative words and will vary depending on the workplace maturity levels. Once the elements of neutrality are addressed, the next step will to improve on existing performances. Safety neutrality is not just risk but involves culture, commitment, analyze and improve. All these helps in improving the safety and health outcomes.

​​Keywords: Commitment; Management; Neutrality; Risk; Safety and Health. 


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