International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(8), 2016, Pages 276-282.
Cubic Ideals in Near Subtraction Semigroups
V. Chinnadurai, K. Bharathivelan
Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram,Tamilnadu - 608 002. India.
Fuzzy set theory plays a significant role in mathematics. The study of algebra in fuzzy setting has always attracted researchers to a greater extend. Young Bae Jun made effort in defining a remarkable structure namely cubic structure and ideal theory in subtraction algebra. Concept of cubic sets encompasses interval-valued fuzzy set and fuzzy set. Interval-valued fuzzy set is another generalization of fuzzy sets that was introduced by Lotfi Asker Zadeh. Dheena introduced near-subtraction semigroups in fuzzy algebra. Motivated by the theory of cubic structure and near-subtraction semigroups. Our aim in this paper is to introduce the notion of cubic ideals of near-subtraction semigroups, homomorphism of near-subtraction semigroups and family of cubic ideals in intersection. We also provide some results, examples and study their related properties.
Keywords: Semigroups; Subtraction semigroups; Near-subtraction semigroups; Cubic ideal.
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International Journal of Modern Science and Technology