ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


​​International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(8), 2016, Pages 269-275. 

Elliptic Curve and Associate Cryptosystem 

S. Revathi, A. R. Rishivarman
Department of Mathematics, Theivanai Ammal College for Women (Autonomous), Villupuram - 605 401. Tamilnadu, India.

Elliptic curve is a study of points on two-variable polynomials of degree three.  With curve defined over a finite field, this set of points are acted by an addition operation forms a finite group structure.  Encryption and decryption transform a point into another point in the same set. Besides providing conceptual understanding, discussions are targeting the issues of security and efficiency of elliptic curve cryptosystem.  Cryptography is an evolving field that research into discreet mathematical equation that is representable by computer algorithm for providing message confidentiality. The scheme has been widely used by nation-states, corporate and individual who seek privacy for data in storage and during transmission.  This paper provides a ground up survey on elliptic curve cryptography. The present paper serves as a basis to understand the fundamental concept behind this cryptosystem. Moreover, we also highlight subareas of research within the scope of elliptic curve cryptosystem.

​​Keywords: Elliptic Curve Cryptography; Finite field; Addition; Multiplication. 


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