ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(4), 2016, Pages 144-149. 

A Study of Harmonic Mitigation using Active Power filters in a PV system Integrated with GRID through a Multilevel Inverter

T. D. Sudhakar, H. Prasad, S. Vinodhini
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai – 600 119. India.​​

The new age has paved way for the new and renewable energy based power generation and thus solar PV arrays have found widespread implementation since then not only as a clean source but also an alternative that is available in abundance. But the nature of power that is obtained from a photovoltaic setup is non – alternating in nature. Hence if it needs to be integrated with the grid then it ought to be converted to Alternating form. Hence the usage of inverters is inevitable. But inverters as seen from the supply side affect the power quality due to their switching nature. In order to address this problem, multilevel inverters are used. But still the problem can’t be eradicated without the usage of filters. In this work active harmonic filter is implemented for a PV Multilevel inverter interfaced Grid system and the performance aspects are studied and compared with those obtained for their passive counterparts.

​​Keywords: ​Active power filters; Grid; Multilevel cascaded inverter; Harmonics; Total harmonic distortion. 


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