ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(3), 2016, Pages 85-91. 

Multiport converter based hybrid power generation system 

S. Sivasakthi, C. Venkatesan, M. Thiyagarajan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Arasu Engineering College,Kumbakonam - 612501. India.

The present paper deals the hybrid application using bidirectional Direct current-Direct current converter in order to supply a constant power supply to grid. The operation of Zero current switching and Zero voltage switching can be obtained in the non isolated bidirectional converter by eliminating the transformer. Dual operation takes place in the converter even any power demand from the inputs. The existing system deals the isolated Bi-Directional Converter with the help of diesel generator. In this proposed system, multi input attains the non isolated Bi-Directional Converter for the three phase Alternating current supply to grid. The synchronous rectifier technique is used to reduce the losses. The voltage gain of the proposed converter is the half and the double of the conventional bidirectional DC-DC boost converter in the step-up modes. Therefore the proposed converter can be operated in wide-voltage-conversion range than the conventional bidirectional converter. The voltage stresses on the switches of the proposed converter are a half of the high-voltage side The switching loss and conduction loss can be minimized The converter has simple design, low power losses due to less components and can operate in single and double input modes. This can be analyzed in MATLAB simulation.​

Keywords: ​Non- isolated bidirectional converter; Zero voltage switching; Zero current Switching. 


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