ISSN 2456-0235
International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(2), 2016, Pages 80-84.
Fuzzy logic based contactless online performance monitoring machine for single phase induction motor
T. D. Sudhakar
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, 600119. India.
The performance evaluation of a machine is very crucial especially in application where precision and protection are very important. Whereas the performance of the machine depends on the load conditions, so if the performance for a particular load condition is known then the necessary corrective action can be performed automatically. The various parameters that define the performance of a machine are speed, efficiency & torque. In the already existing system, speed is measured using tachometer with contact but it may not be precise. This is a traditional method of measuring the speed. Any speed measuring device is susceptible to errors. The efficiency & the torque are calculated using some manual calculations. These manual calculations will also lead to some errors. To avoid these errors, a meter is developed using the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) which shall indicate these values for a particular load condition through a seven segment display. The proposed meter combines the input and output relationship and the advantages of the FLC (imitativeness, simplicity, easy implementation and minimal knowledge of system dynamics). Simulation studies are done using the FIS editor, a sub tool of Matlab. As a result in this work, a fuzzy logic based meter is implemented to evaluate the performance, say various output characteristics (like efficiency, speed & output torque) for a 1 Ф induction motor.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic Controller; Induction motor; Load test; Performance characteristics.