ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(1), 2016, Pages 29-33. 

PV system based grid-connected system 
T. D. Sudhakar, S. Vinodini
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St.Joseph’s college of Engineering, Chennai. India.

Due to the increasing crisis of power supply distributed generations are encouraged for supplying power in the remote locations or in the consumer side itself. The major component for getting the supply to connect in the grid is the inverter. For grid connected system, the inverters must produce voltage in the required sinusoidal voltage waveform of magnitude, phase sequence and frequency same as the grid values. In real time by using non-renewable energy resources, the voltage magnitude produced is less, so many renewable energy resources are combined together to produce required output of higher voltage. But the high voltage requires more insulation which are not economical. Thus a Five level cascaded multilevel inverter has a structure of separate dc sources which will be produced using the PV system. Therefore it reduces the insulation cost but at the same time, getting the magnitude and shape of the voltage waveform from the inverter is quite difficult because huge amount of semiconductor switches are used and also isolated voltage sources may not be readily available all the time. Hence the harmonic content in the inverter output waveform is very high. As a result a Passive filter has to be designed to reduce these harmonics.

Keywords: Inverter; Maximum Power Point Tracker; Photovoltaic; Grid.


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