ISSN 2456-0235

International Journal of Modern Science and Technology


International Journal of Modern Science and Technology, 1(1), 2016, Pages 5-11. 

Influences of supporting materials for Pt-Ru binary catalyst in Ethanol fuel cell 
M. Priya1, M. Elumalai1, S. Kiruthika2, B. Muthukumaran1
​1Department of Chemistry, Presidency College, Chennai – 600 005, India.
2Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai – 603 203. India.

In the present work, Pt−Ru/OMP Pt−Ru/CX, and Pt−Ru/Vulcan electrocatalysts with different atomic ratios were prepared by sodium borohydride reduction method. The synthesized electrocatalysts physical characterization showed high particle dispersion on to the carbon supports and alloying degree. The prepared catalysts had different particle morphology, and their particle sizes were 2-4 nm. Electrochemical characterization of cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were performed to study their activity toward carbon monoxide and ethanol oxidation. The electrochemical results obtained at room temperature showed that the Pt−Ru/CX and Pt-Ru/OMP carbon support catalysts demonstrated better catalytic activity for ethanol oxidation compared with the Pt-Ru/Vulcan carbon support catalyst.  The superior performance of Pt-Ru electrocatalysts supported on carbon nanomaterial is the best electrical conductivity, and high electrochemical surface area.

Keywords: Platinum; Ruthenium; Carbon Xerogel; Ordered Mesoporous Carbon; Ethanol; Perborate.


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